- A Bar
- AAA Breck's On The Beach
- Arlington House Intl Hostel
- Atlanta Hostel
- Bar Harbor Hostelling Intl
- Carlson Hotels Worldwide
- Carlson Hotels Worldwide
- Chicago International Hostel
- Chicago International Hostel
- Clearwater Beach Intl Hostel
- Everglades International Hstl
- Floyd's Youth Hostel
- Focus Hospitality Inc
- Happy Valley Hale Maui
- Hilo Bay Hostel
- Holo Holo In
- Hostel Boise
- Hostel In The Forest
- Hosteling International
- Hosteling International
- Hostelling International
- India House
- Island Hostel
- Joe & Flo Old Candlelight
- Kauai International Hostel
- KOA Wood Hale Inn
- Manuel S Molina's
- Marquette House New Orleans
- Miami Beach Intl Travelers
- North Shore Hostile
- Northshore Inn Hostel
- Pacific Ohana Hostel
- Patey's Place Hostel
- Patey's Place Hostel
- Patey's Place In Paradise Maui
- Pineapple Park Hostels
- Pineapple Park Hostels
- Pirate Haus Inn & Hostel
- Plumeria Apartments
- Polynesian Hostel
- Richmond State Hospital
- Saint Charles Place Condo
- Seaside Hawaiian Hostel
- Tropics Hotel
- V A Medical Ctr
- YWCA Of O'Ahu